Difference Between Refugees & Asylum Seekers?

Refugee or asylum seeker? Both terms are often taken to mean the same thing, but in reality, there is a crucial difference between refugees and asylum seekers, as these terms actually refer to people at different stages in the process of seeking protection from persecution. What is the difference between refugees and asylum seekers? […]
Asylum and Immigration Tribunal Guide

The Asylum and Immigration Tribunal handles immigration-related appeals, including appeals from refused asylum seekers wanting to overturn a negative immigration decision. The Asylum and Immigration Tribunal is independent of the British government, and any appeals it considers are examined by a judge who will take into account both sides of the appeal and evidence provided […]
How to Apply for Asylum in the UK
To remain in the UK with refugee status, you will need to follow the asylum process to claim asylum in the UK. Seeking asylum is a fundamental human right, but to you must be able to show that you are eligible and are fleeing persecution in your own country and seeking refuge abroad. The following […]
Asylum Seeker (Essential Information)
Every person has the right to live free from persecution, or the fear of persecution, based on their race, religion, nationality, membership in a particular social group, or political opinion. Though every government is obligated to provide this right, many fail. Every year millions of people face persecution for traits they cannot control or exercising […]
Asylum Statement Sample (Preparing your Claim)
To improve your chances of getting asylum, you should draft a written statement that explains your story and why you need protection. Using a sample written asylum statement as a basis, you can make sure you are including the right information to help with your claim. The following questionnaire will prompt you and help you […]
What is a Refugee?
It is enshrined in law that everybody has the right to seek asylum in other countries for protection from persecution in your home country. Chances for recognition as refugee vary from country to country, depending on factors such as what happened to the individual in their country of origin and what will happen to them […]
Refugee Children (How to Claim UK Asylum)
Asylum in the UK is available to refugee children who are unable to live safely in any part of their own country because of fear of persecution. A person of any age may qualify for refugee status under the 1951 UN Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees where they fear persecution because of their […]