Asylum Visas


In very few cases asylum applicants can enter the asylum country legally without a visa. In most cases, however, a visa is required. [toc] For a refugee, there are three basic ways of reaching the targeted country of asylum when he needs a visa in this country: (1) obtaining a valid visa; (2) using the […]

Dublin Alternatives

dublin alternatives

While all Dublin member states assess whether a foreigner is a refugee, many also recognise humanitarian protection based on national or international legal norms. Humanitarian protection can be based on a legal obligation or discretion, meaning humanitarian protection practice is different from one country to the other as the asylum practice is. More or less […]

Dublin ii

dublin ii

The objective of the Dublin ii Regulation is to identify as quickly as possible the Member State responsible for examining an asylum application, and to prevent abuse of asylum procedures. The Act Council Regulation (EC) No 343/2003 of 18 February 2003 establishing the criteria and mechanisms for determining the Member State responsible for examining an asylum application […]